Ever thought of the existence of square wheels? That would be the ultimate flat tire. And they would give you a pretty jarring ride on your usual flat road, if you put a couple of those wheels on your bicycle.
But apparently a mathematician—yes, a mathematician!—has created a bicycle (actually a tricycle) with square wheels. And, it gives a perfectly smooth ride.
Provided you ride it on a special road.
This trike with square wheels rolls quite smoothly, keeping its axle
Despite all the advances we’ve made towards equality of the sexes, in one area girls are better off than boys: language skills—they acquire it faster and employ it with greater ease and complexity than boys of the same age. It’s often been said women talk more than men. Well, now we may have scientific proof of these facts. There is apparently a biological explanation for the discrepancy between a woman’s 20,000 words/day and a man’s 7,000.
For many years, scientists
Mark 7:31–8:26
God can be trusted for the provision of life’s daily needs.
“Do you still not see or understand?”
Mark 8:17
This text demonstrates the continued lack of discernment on the part of Jesus’ disciples, which had been a constant theme in Act I of Mark (1:1–8:26). This last depiction of the disciples’ obtuseness (8:1–21) is bracketed between two miracles of perception: a deaf and dumb man is healed on one side (7:31–37), and the sight of a blind man is restored
Apparently Warren Buffet has a little black date book that he carries around. If you flip through it, you’ll find that the pages are practically empty.
“You’ve gotta keep control of your time,” Buffett says, “and you can’t unless you say no. You can’t let people set your agenda in life.”
Saying “No!”
When writer Eugene Peterson was a pastor, he made a discipline of writing “FD” into his appointment calendar three days a week. If someone
On permanent display in the Musée du Louvre in Paris is what is perhaps the most well-known sculpture of the world, Venus de Milo. The marble statue is otherwise known as Aphrodite of Milos (Aphrodite is the Greek name for the goddess labeled Venus by the Romans). The work is likely to have been created in the 2nd century BC, and probably by Alexandros of Antioch, as an inscription on the plinth of statue (now lost) apparently asserted.
The image of the lady is renowned
Mark 7:1–30
Faith that produces obedience, not hypocritical allegiance to manmade rules, renders the disciple morally acceptable to God.
“The things which come out of one are the things that defile one.”
Mark 7:15
This pericope primarily deals with an issue of the “heart” (7:6, 19, 21): both purity and impurity begin “inside” (7:21, 23), not “outside” (7:15, 18). Jesus’ concern here is with moral purity—obedience to God’s commands. On the other hand, the Pharisees’
Dallas Seminary “lost” another one of its own last week.
Dr. Steve Strauss, Department Chair and Professor of World Missions and Intercultural Studies, went home to be with his Lord on Tuesday, after a year-long bout with cancer.
Steve once said: “Be prepared to pray any time, preach any time, and die any time.”
Here’s what Steve wrote to the Seminary community in April 2012, soon after his diagnosis:
God has already ministered powerfully to our family through this.