A corpse was brought in by a couple of women to a branch office of Old Mutual Insurance Company, somewhere in in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. The body in question was that of Sifiso Justice Mhlongo.
The late and bereaved Mr. Mhlongo had funeral plan insurance, but Old Mutual refused to pay out without proof of death.
So Ntombenhle Mhlongo and Thandaza Mtshali took the body of their uncle, the aforementioned Mr. Mhlongo, to the insurance company’s office.
Ms. Mhlongo said the claim, for £1,700, had been delayed for nine days because of problems over the paperwork. This meant that important tribal rites for their uncle, who died at 46, could not be performed.
We are poor and they were refusing to pay us. We are still so heartbroken. We kept going back but they kept stonewalling and we were angry, frustrated and just wanted to make sure we could properly prepare and bury him. We thought if the documents do not give them enough answers then maybe the body will.”
The good women pledged not to leave the branch (or remove the body) until Old Mutual had paid up.
There were several hurried discussions between Old Mutual management and the head office, after which the company decided to agree to honor the insurance claim.
A witness reported:
As soon as the ladies were promised they would be paid they marched back inside the office and grabbed an end each and carried the corpse back out. Two men went to their aid and helped them maneuver the body bag into the trunk of the car. People were watching open mouthed as all this was played out.”
Responding to the viral video on Twitter, Old Mutual said that the incident was “most unsettling”—I’ll bet!—and they insisted that they were “sympathetic towards the family during this difficult time.” I’m sure!
The company asserted that all claims were assessed on an individual basis and said that the incident at the branch was “isolated and regrettable” and would be fully investigated to “learn lessons.” Yeah, right!
A spokesman for the National Funeral Practitioners Association of South Africa said that the matter was far from over and that the organization would consider taking legal action against Old Mutual.
The fact of the matter is that all humans are dead—spiritually dead! And of that we don’t need any proof!
Physical death is the complete functional destruction of the brain that permanently cuts the person off from all personal life and consciousness. Death is nothing but a lack of interaction with the environment, an absence of response to the outside.
Similarly, spiritual death is lack of interaction with God, an absence of response to the Source and Sustainer of life.
Nope, that don’t need no proof.
And you were dead in your trespasses and sins.
Ephesians 2:1
Dead because of, or by virtue of, our trespasses and sins. That means that a relationship with the absolutely holy God (to become alive) requires one be absolutely holy.
But …
… all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Romans 3:23
Conclusion: unable to fully obey God’s requirements, we remained forever separated from Him. Dead forever!
Oh, wait—not forever. Not if you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ as your only God and Savior.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
Don’t drag that corpse around. Get a life—eternal life!
Daily Mail