
The other day, the German news agency, Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), reported on a strange item.
On Sunday, the country’s disease control agency reported 74,053 new COVID-19 infections, less than from a week ago, when the Robert Koch Institute registered 11,224 daily infections. Experts think the most recent surge of infections in Germany—triggered by the BA.2 omicron subvariant—have peaked. With the fall of infection rates, many measures to reign in the pandemic ended last week. Donning masks is no longer compulsory in grocery stores and most theaters, but it is still mandatory on public transportation. And, in most schools across the country, students also no longer have to wear masks.
Then there came this from dpa.
A 60-year-old guy apparently got himself vaccinated for COVID-19 ninety times—yes, ninety, as in nine-zero. The man from the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg, whose name was not released in line with German privacy rules, is said to have received over seven dozen shots when police caught him earlier this month. He was confronted at a vaccination center in Eilenburg in Saxony when he showed up for a COVID-19 shot for the second day in a row. Police confiscated several blank vaccination cards from him and initiated criminal proceedings.
So it appears that this was a money-making scheme. The dude allegedly had himself vaccinated against COVID-19 over and over again in order to sell forged vaccination cards with real vaccine batch numbers to people not wanting to get vaccinated themselves. The suspect was not detained, but is under investigation for unauthorized issuance of vaccination cards and document forgery.
German police have conducted many raids in connection with forgery of vaccination passports in recent months. Many COVID-19 deniers refuse to get vaccinated in that Fatherland, but at the same want to have the coveted COVID-19 passports that make access to public life and many venues such as restaurants, theaters, swimming pools or workplaces much easier.
So you have two problems here: one guy gets immunized a zillion times; others are walking around with “fake” vaccination cards not belonging to them.
At any rate, I am not sure what kind of impact getting ninety COVID-19 shots will have on that dodgy depredator. I am hopeful that he will never, ever, get any coronavirus infection ever again, COVID or otherwise! May he, that enterprising mercenary, be ever preserved from the vile virus and forever protected from all its evil kin.
But in the end, the Protector and Preserver par excellence is God. Only God!
You are a hiding place to me;
from distress You preserve me;
with shouts of salvation You surround me.
Psalm 32:7
You, Yahweh, do not restrain Your compassion from me;
Your lovingkindness and Your truth,
they continually preserve me.
Psalm 40:11
Love Yahweh, all you His devout ones.
The faithful, Yahweh preserves.
Psalm 31:23
And who are the faithful, the loyal, the devout ones of God? Those in relationship with him (through Jesus Christ) and those who discharge their responsibility to him (through the Holy Spirit). Which is why the psalmist can also declare:
May integrity and uprightness preserve me,
for I wait for You.
Psalm 25:21
And one notices the word play just a few verses earlier:
All the ways of Yahweh are lovingkindness and truth
to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.
Psalm 25:10
“Keep” is the same Hebrew verb translated “preserve” in the other verses. The children of God who “preserve/keep” the word of God are themselves “preserved” by the hand of God.
Better than even 100 shots!
NBC News