
February 8th, 2025| Topic: RaMbLeS | 2


A most unfortunate thing happened to Rosalind Walker, 80, some time ago.

In a lawsuit filed by her daughter, Angela Moan, it is stated that Ms. Walker’s Sleep Number bed suddenly moved without warning, and “lowered with such force” that it trapped the poor lady against a wall of her bedroom in Godfrey, Illinois. For two days! She died a month later from the injuries suffered, after being transferred from hospital to rehab center to hospice care.

Says the petition:

She suffered the entire time until she died.”

Moan filed the wrongful death complaint in St. Louis County, Missouri, court against Sleep Number Corp. and Leggett & Platt Inc., both of which designed, manufactured, marketed, sold, and warrantied the bed. The contraption, which had a 25-year warranty, was ten years old.

Reported NBC:

The complaint claims the defendants breached their duty by selling the bed without adequate instructions or cautionary language warning that a person could get stuck between the bed and a wall, failed to have an audible warning system to alert that the bed was declining.”

Said Ms. Moan:

The bed lacked an appropriate release mechanism that would have allowed Mom to free herself. Sleep Number Corporation is strictly liable for her injuries, her suffering, and her death. It was defective and unreasonably dangerous in its design and lack of warning.”

The suit seeks compensation for Walker’s death, suffering and injuries, related medical bills and “the loss of her mother’s society.” Compensation sought is in excess of $25,000.

Sleep Number acknowledged to NBC that it was aware of the lawsuit.

We understand that this incident is alleged to have occurred; we were notified of the alleged incident after the lawsuit was filed. We extend our sincere condolences to the family of Ms. Walker for their tragic loss. Currently, our legal team is reviewing the lawsuit. Sleep Number stands by the design and safety of its products and is complying with any necessary inquiries or actions.”

Leggett & Platt, the manufacturer of the adjustable base, added through their Executive Vice President of General Counsel:

First and foremost, we want to extend our condolences to the family of Ms. Walker. We take all incidents seriously and are committed to fully understanding the circumstances surrounding this situation. Our legal team is reviewing the available information and is committed to providing our full cooperation with the legal process.”

Ted Gianaris, an attorney for Moan:

The bed’s manufacturers should have better systems to avoid entrapment, just as elevators have sensors to keep closing force low to prevent injuries. By design, this bed has a timer that lets it lower on its own, but it has no alert, no sensor, and no release. This is a tragic loss of a vibrant woman who was completely independent. Something as common as an adjustable bed should not be a trap. We look forward to hearing from the corporations about why they did not sell a safer bed.”

Sad story.

That’s not the way our sleep should be. Rather …

When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Proverbs 3:24

And …

The fear of Yahweh leads to life,
So that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil.
Proverbs 19:23

Said Jeremiah, the prophet:

[God:] “For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes.”
[Jeremiah:] At this I awoke and looked, and my sleep was pleasant to me.
Jeremiah 31:25–26

May it be so for you and me and the rest of those who fear God.



  1. sardarsubramanyam February 19, 2025 at 12:43 am


  2. Kay February 10, 2025 at 10:36 am

    Amen!!! His mercies are new every morning!
    Hope you are doing well.


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